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What is 3D rigging? how to do it in 4 steps + best softwares

3D rigging pipeline 3D rigging Pipeline What is 3D rigging? how to do it in 4 steps + best softwares…

3D Animation Pipeline: A Start-to-Finish Guide (2023 update)

3D animation pipeline 3D Animation Pipeline The process of creating a 3D animation is much more complex than most people…

Animation Outsourcing, In-Depth & Easy Guide for Animation First-Timers

With everything we've been through regarding the COVID pandemic, outsourcing in the animation industry has taken its toll. Nowadays, more…

How does shape language impact a character design? (with illustrated examples)

  In 1946, Solomon Asch wrote a paper on how shape language and the physical aspects of a character affect…

How does psychology impact a character design (3 tips for maximum success)

When talking about character design, it is important to consider all the creative, innovative, and psychological efforts a designer puts…

What is 3D Modeling in animation production?

3D Modeling is a three-dimensional representation of objects, animals, machines, and humans. In animation production, all the settings and characters…

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